Everything we do has an impact on the world around us. Whether it’s drinking coffee, driving to work, buying groceries, or reading our favorite books, we are consuming energy and resources. For my research project I examined my book buying habits and the resources go into creating a book. I discovered that in 2006, there were 3 billion books sold in the US and that each of these books uses trees, water, and energy to produce. I also learned that only between 5%-10% of the paper currently being used by the book publishing industry is recycled paper. I am now more aware of what it takes to produce a book and how small changes, like using recycled paper, can make a significant difference. I have also discovered other options to purchasing books, like downloading ebooks or checking them out from the library.
The technical aspect of this project was more of a challenge; I had to re-familiarize myself with Excel, learn how to upload a PowerPoint presentation to the Web, and figure out how to record myself giving my presentation and then post it to Google Video. I learned that I am a novice when it comes to technology, but with a little persistence I can acquire skills that will be useful when I want to integrate technology into my classroom.
Although I gave my presentation to an audience of one I still felt nervous. I find that when I am in a classroom I become more comfortable presenting information to my third and fourth hour classes after having “practiced” with my first two classes.
Here is how I would evaluate myself presenting my energy PowerPoint:
I spoke clearly
I appear to be reasonably calm
I did not read every slide
I don’t appear to be very enthusiastic
I say um a lot
I did not have a smooth ending
I used my hands in a nervous way
This project has opened my eyes to the small ways we impact our environment and the small changes we can make to reduce that impact. I have come to appreciate my library more and have become more curious about the use of ebooks as an alternative to buying paper books.