
Article Review 3

Tools for the Mind
By Mary Burns

In her article “Tools for the Mind,” Mary Burns argues that schools are using technology primarily to teach low-level skills instead of skills that will deepen student learning. She states that the most commonly used applications are “show-and-tell applications” – PowerPoint, Word, Publisher, and Web editing which fail to promote deep, complex, or even developmentally appropriate learning. Burns advocates the use of developmentally appropriate and challenging tools, such as spreadsheets and databases, which she believes strengthens analytical and critical thinking skills.

According to Burns there are two strategies for change. First, it is imperative to teach critical thinking first and technology later. Students need to become creators of information and ideas, not just computer users. Second, the focus should be on curriculum instruction, and assessment. Teachers need to be able to “ask questions that prompt real understanding of the true potential of computers in instruction.”
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