
Digital Story

“There always seems to be someone looking over your shoulder -just waiting for an opportunity to lecture on The Darker Side of Chocolate.”
- Sandra Boynton

I was inspired to do my digital story during a mini-lesson I did with my 7th grade Social Studies class. We had been studying the continent of Africa and I shared with them articles about the chocolate industry and child labor in West Africa. After the short lesson many of my students asked where they could find more information; they wanted to know what they could do! Because of their curiosity I also wanted to become a more informed consumer. I read books and online articles about the history of chocolate, the chocolate industry, and the fair-trade movement.
I have created a short story about the history of chocolate, from the time of the Mayas to the present day problems in West Africa. I have also shared how we can do our part as a chocolate loving society to alleviate some of the inequalities and abuses that occur in the industry.

A Brief History of Chocolate. Storyboard. Rubric.

1 comment:

BLW said...

Great job Tara! The graphics/music/narration were all great. Makes me want to buy some free trade chocolate.